Main Page

From BCMystery Wiki: The Work of W.H. Cameron / Bill Cameron

Welcome to the Wiki for the mystery writer Bill Cameron.

This Wiki is currently a developmental work-in-progress. It is not open to public editing at this time. Once the foundational pages and templates have been established, it may be opened up to outside editors if there is any interest.

Major Categories of Information

  • Books, including all published and some unpublished or in-development projects
  • Short Stories, including all published and some unpublished or in-development projects
  • Characters, organized by series or standalone appearances
  • Locations, settings found throughout the books and stories, some real, some reimagined versions of actual places, and some wholly fictional. In addition to text content, some locations include maps in PDF or JPEG formats.
  • Miscellaneous, objects and events of significance.

On Spoilers

It is the nature of a wiki that as details are added, spoilers are likely to appear. If you don't want to know what happens in the books and stories covered, proceed with caution!