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From BCMystery Wiki: The Work of W.H. Cameron / Bill Cameron
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Welcome to the wiki for BCMystery, writing as Bill Cameron and W.H. Cameron.

This wiki is currently a developmental work-in-progress by the author. It is not open to public editing at this time. In the future, it may be opened to outside editors should there be any interest.

Main Categories

  • Books, including all published and some unpublished or in-development projects
  • Stories, including all published and some unpublished or in-development short- and medium-length projects
  • Characters, organized by series or standalone appearances
  • Locations, settings found throughout the books and stories, some real, some reimagined versions of actual places, and some wholly fictional. In addition to text content, some locations include maps in PDF or JPEG formats.
  • Miscellaneous, objects and events of significance.
  • Works-in-Progress, stories and novels which are either in development or on submission. Spoilers lurk in these entries.

On Spoilers

It is the nature of a wiki that as details are added, spoilers are likely to appear. Some spoiler information has been hidden inside click-to-reveal Spoiler containers, but this hasn't yet been fully implemented. A number of spoilers are still in plain view.

*** If you don't want to know what happens in the books and stories covered, proceed with caution! ***

Spoiler Example:

On Canon*

This is working archive with references to unpublished material. As a result, information may appear here that not only isn't yet in print, but may never appear in print. Because the main function of this wiki is to serve as a working reference for the author, unpublished content is subject to change as stories are developed, drafted, revised, edited, or abandoned.

*** Only material that has been formally published should be considered canon. ***

*Yes, I know. Using the word "canon" in reference to my own work is an exercise in hubris. The last laugh will no doubt be had by everyone but me.

Published Books

Lost Dog
Chasing Smoke
Day One
County Line
Property of the State