Kimble's Hole Mine

From BCMystery Wiki: The Work of W.H. Cameron / Bill Cameron
Revision as of 10:41, 23 July 2018 by BCMystery (talk | contribs)

Kimble's Hole Mine is a location in Barlow County in the Melisende Dulac Series.


Located on the southwest foot of Shatter Hill in southern Barlow County. While active, it was primarily a source of copper, and some mercury. A small vein of silver with some gold and electrum was mined out in 1904-1905, but no other gold or silver were ever found. The mine was exhausted by the 1920s, though in the 1970s a group processed the mine tailings for trace metals it had been economically impractical to extract earlier.

Currently the site of a rock shop and thunderegg field owned by Darby Wormwood.


[[Category:Short Story Locations