Eden Pond

From BCMystery Wiki: The Work of W.H. Cameron / Bill Cameron
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Eden Pond is the main character in the Eden Pond Series. This series is currently in very early development and may never get further than this quick entry.[1]


At the start of World War II, Eden is living in Garibaldi, Oregon with her older brother Merton. Her twin brother Harry has recently moved to nearby Tillamook to serve as an air raid warden. Eden works for the Tillamook County Sheriff's Office as a secretary.

The first planned book will take place in February and March of 1942 as America shifts fully to a war footing and tempers are high. The second book will take place in Portland at the Kaiser Shipyards, where labor clashes with management and an influx of women and minorities in the workplace result in violence and even murder. The third will center on the U.S. Navy's Tillamook Naval Air Station and the death of a flamboyant member of the Women's Air Service. The fourth novel is set later in the war, as a death blamed on one of Imperial Japan’s infamous fire balloons may be more than it seems.

Vital Statistics

Date of Birth: 7 February 1917
Date of Death: —

Character Affiliations

  • Merton Pond, brother
  • Harry Pond, brother
  • Allen Birch, Tillamook County sheriff
  • Clifford Stern, deputy sheriff
  • Jonah Shibuya, Eden's and Harry's childhood friend


  • Eden Pond Book 1 (working title Tillamook Guerillas), in early development
  • Eden Pond Book 2 (working title Murder at the Shipyards), in early development
  • Eden Pond Book 3 (working title Women's Air Service), in early development
  • Eden Pond Book 4 (working title Fire Balloon), in early development


  1. Note from Bill: I kid. As the Appearances section indicates, I have four possible book ideas in the works. I've begun historical research, have created initial character sketches for Eden, her two brothers, Sheriff Birch, and childhood friend Jonah. I've even written some rough draft chapters. All that said, it's possible this won't go much further, depending on other projects and my own constantly shifting interests.